foreign policy

3 articles tagged with foreign policy were found.

Russia as enfant terrible. In the eye of the “others”

The 13th Annual Aleksanteri Conference “Russia and the World”, which took place in the main building of the University of Helsinki, October 23–25, was dedicated first and foremost to Russian foreign policy.

By Irina Kotkina January 21, 2014

Russian politics and foreigns policy – driven by what? Emotions versus interests

Rationality versus irrationality, emotions versus calculations – these were the main issues to be discussed under a seminar in May, organized by the Aleksanteri Institute (Helsinki). Actually, the emotions theme became a starting point for the participants to approach the nature of Russian foreign policy and decision-making inside the post-Soviet bureaucracy.

By Ilja Viktorov June 1, 2011

Small-state realism and the geopolitics of raw materials. An outsider’s approach

Einar Maseng, Utsikt over de nord-europeiske staters utenrikespolitikk i de siste århundrer [An overview of the Northern European States’ foreign policy during the last centuries]. I–III Oslo: Universitets-forlaget 2005: 323, 291, 353 pages

By Sven Eliaeson July 1, 2010