
10 articles tagged with germany were found.

Local and regional cooperation in the Szczecin area. An act of political debordering

+ Peter Balogh, Perpetual Borders: German-Polish Cross-border Contacts in the Szczecin Area, Meddelanden från Kultur-geografiska institutionen vid Stockholms Universitet, [Reports of the Department of Human Geography, Stockholm University, Number 145] Stockholm: University of Stockholm Press, 2014, 204 pages.

By James Wesley Scott January 21, 2015

KALININGRAD exclave in the borderland

In 1996, a Special Economic Zone was created that made it favorable for both Russian and foreign companies to relocate production to Kaliningrad. Once the intentions were to make Kaliningrad known for more than just its military bases. But this is no longer the case. Kaliningrad, once again, is gliding away from being an economic zone to becoming a military zone.

By Påhl Ruin January 21, 2015

Post-military Islands in transformation. Leaving the past aside

+ Beate Feldmann Eellend: Visionära planer och vardagliga praktiker: Postmilitära landskap i Östersjö-området (Visionary plans and everyday practices: post-military landscapes in the Baltic Sea region). Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis. Stockholm Studies in Ethnology 7, 2013. 157 pages, ill.

By Fredrik Nilsson May 6, 2014

Stettin (Szczecin) A node in a geopolitical network

The author shows how one small region, Stettin/Szczecin, because of its strategic place became involved in important events throughout history.

By Thomas Lundén February 4, 2014

Pre-election coverage – Germany

If not something dramatically happens during the last week before the election there will be some tuff government negotiations after the votes have been counted. Probably Markel will continue as chancellor but it is very unsecure which other parties she will form government with. An alternative chancellor could be Gabriel for a red – red – green coalition.

By Mai-Brith Schartau September 16, 2013

IKEA in German. Working with clichés

+ Jennie Mazur, Die “schwedische” Lösung: Eine kultursemiotisch orientierte Untersuchung der audiovisuellen Werbespots von IKEA in Deutschland, Würzburg, 2013, 293 pages

By Bernd Henningsen May 17, 2013

Fashion Talks

The exhibition Fashion Talks: Fashion as Communication, which was shown for several months at the Museum for Communication, Berlin, was designed to explore — by looking at the messages conveyed by clothes — how people deal with fashion, both individually and collectively.

By Ekaterina Kalinina January 9, 2013

A megaphone for the “artist-politician”

The questions posed by this year’s Berlin Biennale are an expression of anger; over the lack of attention to issues that concern ownership of access to the public space, control of money, and frustration about how the art world is being controlled by increasingly few hands, even as events are increasing in number and being spread all over the world.

By Margareta Tillberg January 9, 2013

1989 as Utopia. elske rosenfeld on politics and longing

Elske Rosenfeld was 15 when the Berlin Wall came down. She realized that this was the end of the critical discourse that the citizens’ movements had brought to life in the GDR. When the 1990 election results were announced in the media, she cried. Today the topic of 1989 is her professional project as an artist.

By Unn Gustafsson April 11, 2011

Birgitta Almgren. Politically Loaded Words

In this interview professor Birgitta Almgren discusses her study on Nazi-German infiltration in Sweden and the offshoots, in Cold War Sweden, of the GDR’s policies. She is now requesting that the Swedish law courts make it possible for her to continue her research by granting her access to the so-called Rosenholz files. In a comment professor Åmark argues for a release of the Stasi-material.

By Hans Wolf March 24, 2010