Nature Gaz

5 articles tagged with nature gaz were found.

russia, infrastructure, and the baltic

Infrastructure forms a link between the open global economic space and the non-public Russian political space. The question of how to manage the most important trade flows and understand their social importance is not, of course, solely seen as a matter of Russian politics. The research on Russia is also connected to the recent debate on the importance of increasing globalization and the mutual dependence of societies.

By Katri Pynnöniemi January 16, 2012

Energy issues are being dealt with by a variety of actors; governance and cooperation are lacking

The EU wants the Baltic region to have a common energy sector, something the region does not have today. Political governance is weak and the people making the investments have yet to prioritize regional cooperation. This is the view of Michael Bradshaw, professor of human geography at Leicester University, who opened the first Baltic Worlds Annual Round Table on November 24 at Södertörn University in Stockholm.

By Kristoffer Morén January 10, 2011

Following the Nord Stream. Elder statesmen paved the way

“Follow the pipeline” was also one of the central themes of the 10th Aleksanteri Conference, “Fuelling the Future: Assessing Russia’s Role in Eurasia’s Energy Complex”, held at the University of Helsinki at the end of October 2010.

By Peter Lodenius January 10, 2011

Russia maintains its focus on gas

The Russian energy strategy for the next few years includes lofty goals. While other countries are investing 1.5 percent of their GDP in the energy sector, Russia is spending 5 percent. This was noted at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) Annual Conference on Russian and Eurasian Studies.

By Ninna Mörner January 10, 2011

The Baltic Sea. A Model Region

Baltic Sea cooperation is a good example of how nations can find forms of collaboration. There is a solidarity between countries and a desire to work on things such as environmental problems.

Essay by Bernd Henningsen February 9, 2010