
8 articles tagged with norway were found.

Between memory and courage. Rune Ottosen’s Tourist in Utopia

Tourist in Utopia. Travels in Ideology and the Albanian landscape [Turist i Utopia, reiser i ideologi og albansk landskap], Rune Ottosen (1950-). 336 pages.

By Francesco Zavatti June 19, 2019

Views of landscape Reflections on the governance of Scandinavian transhumance

The authors want to draw attention to the conceptual gaps concerning perspectives of landscapes between academia and government officials and the farmers using the summer farming landscape for food production (small-scale animal husbandry) in Sweden and Norway. They discuss the discrepancies in the views on how this landscape should be governed in order to maintain and enhance its value and potential.

By Håkan Tunón et al January 27, 2014

Union, federation, or “merely” European cooperation. Norden as a product of 1814

+ Jóhann Páll Árnason and Björn Wittrock (eds.), Nordic Paths to Modernity, New York: Berghahn Books 2012.

+ Bjørn Magnus Berge and Anders Björnsson (eds.), Skandinaviska vägval, [Scandinavian crossroads] Stockholm: Atlantis 2008.

+ Max Engman and Nils Erik Vilstrand (eds.), Maktens mosaik:, Enhet, särart och självbild i det svenska riket [The mosaic of power: Unity, peculiarity, and identity in the Swedish realm], Stockholm & Helsinki: Atlantis and the Swedish Literary Society in Finland 2008.

+ Rasmus Glenthøj, Skilsmissen: Dansk og norsk identitet før og efter 1814 [The divorce: Danish and Norwegian identity before and after 1814], Odense: University Press of Southern Denmark 2012.

+ Henrik Meinander, Finlands historia [The history of Finland] Stockholm: Atlantis 2006. Niels Kayser Nielsen, Bonde, stat og hjem: Nordisk demokrati og nationalisme — fra pietismen til 2. Verdenskrig [Farmer, state and home: Nordic democracy and nationalism, from pietism to the Second World War], Århus: Aarhus University Press 2009.

+ Gunnar Wetterberg, The United Nordic Federation, Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers 2010.

By Uffe Østergaard May 17, 2013

Russia maintains its focus on gas

The Russian energy strategy for the next few years includes lofty goals. While other countries are investing 1.5 percent of their GDP in the energy sector, Russia is spending 5 percent. This was noted at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) Annual Conference on Russian and Eurasian Studies.

By Ninna Mörner January 10, 2011

Small-state realism and the geopolitics of raw materials. An outsider’s approach

Einar Maseng, Utsikt over de nord-europeiske staters utenrikespolitikk i de siste århundrer [An overview of the Northern European States’ foreign policy during the last centuries]. I–III Oslo: Universitets-forlaget 2005: 323, 291, 353 pages

By Sven Eliaeson July 1, 2010

Dissertation review. Language disputes and modernization.

+ Oddmund Løkensgard Hoel, Målreising og modernisering i Noreg 1885–1940, [The New Language Movement and Modernization in Norway 1885–1940], Trondheim: Noreg’s University of Science and Technology, NTNU, 2009, 589 pages

By Torbjörn Nilsson March 24, 2010

Sport. The return of enchantment to Western society

+ Rune Slagstad. (Sporten): En idéhistorisk studie [(Sport): A Study in the History of Ideas] Oslo: Pax Förlag 2008. 849 pages.

By Kristian Gerner February 18, 2010

The lost Scandinavism. From Indian summer to Nordic winter

+ Ruth Hemstad. Fra Indian summer til nordisk vinter: Skandinavisk samarbeid, skandinavisme og unionsoppløsningen [From Indian Summer to Nordic Winter: Scandinavian Cooperation, Scandinavism, and the Dissolution of the Union] Dissertation. Oslo, Akademisk Publisering 2008. 653 pages.

By Torbjörn Nilsson February 18, 2010