
5 articles tagged with perpetrator were found.

Memoralization of the holocaust in the polish film aftermath

The author argues that the history of the Holocaust is the history of Europe; "as Europeans, we all continue to live it". "It is not wise to appropriate to ourselves the story of suffering, because even in the short term such a course will lead to isolation and a rise in anti-Semitism."

By Andrea Petö October 18, 2014

Minorities. a Language without an Army

To be tolerated is to be disliked. Minorities are oppressed and persecuted to a degree that is difficult to absorb, says David Gaunt. Within the affected group, it takes several generations to dare to talk about genocide.

By MarieLouise Samuelsson March 24, 2010

the Face of Terrorism. Acting Like a State

Historian Mats Fridlund says that the technological and scientific development of weapons has influenced the choice of method and the type of people who have become perpetrators. When the revolver became smaller and lighter, female terrorists became more common.

By Tove Stenqvist February 19, 2010

Arrow Cross Women and Female Informants

In Hungary, there were several active women fascists. In the People’s Tribunals after World War II, however, few of the women were convicted. There was an unwillingness to think of women as capable of such evil deeds.

Essay by Andrea Petö February 16, 2010

Flirt with a Holocaust Crime. Stephen Daldry’s and David Hare’s Film the Reader

An analysis of the film The Reader, based on the book of the same name. The film’s perspective on individuals’ behavior during the Holocaust makes coming to terms with acts of the past impossible – which itself invalidates the entire film.

Essay by Antje Wischmann February 12, 2010