
70 articles tagged with poland were found.

Romani immigrants from Romania in Poland in the 1990s. Ethnographic observations

This paper presents a handful of ethnographic observations concerning the Romanian Romani people migrating to Poland in the 1990s. This migration wave, although not very well known in the world, became a very important factor influencing, among others, the perception of the Romanian Roms, the Romani people in general, and even citizens of Romania as such by Poles. For Romani immigrants, this was most often the first opportunity to stay abroad

Essay by Sławomir Kapralski and Paweł Lechowski September 6, 2018

The Artists’ Colony in the Former Gdańsk Shipyard

Members of the Artists Colony were participants in the transformation processes, regardless of the functions they performed in such processes, the intensity of contacts with workers at the Gdańsk Shipyard, or the subject of their artistic works. Artists from the Colony identified the area of the former shipyard as a space of their own experience, memory, and history.

By Agneiszka Kozik June 18, 2018

Uprootedeness in the Polish-German Borderlands. The meaning of the transformation revised

Dystopia’s Provocateurs: Peasants, State and Informality in the Polish-German Borderlands, Edyta Materka, Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2017, 234 pages.

By Thomas Lundén March 8, 2018

Beasts, demons, and cold bitches Memories of communist women in contemporary Poland

Agnieszka Mrozik analyzes the portrayals of women communists in the Stalinist period in Poland, produced in the framework of nationalist history during the illiberal turn. She argues that biographies of women dignitaries served the broader political function of delivering a cautionary tale against “excessive” liberation of women, so that female communists were often presented as beasts and demons rather than political agents.

Essay by Agnieszka Mrozik March 8, 2018

Between gender blindness and nationalist herstory The history of Polish women in WWII as the site of an anti-modernist revolution

This paper discusses the current “herstorical turn” in professional and popular historiography and memory of WWII in Poland: a growing interest in women and the distinctiveness of their wartime experiences. Focusing on one dominant strand of this “herstorical turn” – nationalist herstory – the article reflects on the ways in which women’s history has become one of the platforms a broader illiberal political shift that is currently ongoing in Central Europe.

By Weronika Grzebalska March 8, 2018

”Is it the swan song of patriarchy, or the beginning of a new ice age?” Interview with Agnieszka Graff and Elżbieta Korolczuk

Agnieszka Graff and Elżbieta Korolczuk in an interview about the phenomenon of anti-genderism: a topic they written together on and both try to understand as it is spreading in Poland but also widely elsewhere

By Eva Karlberg March 7, 2018

Gendered voices from East-Central Europe. Breaking out of the deadlock of neoliberalism vs. rightwing populism

Solidarity in Struggle: Feminist Perspectives on Neo-liberalism in East-Central Europe, EszterKováts (ed.), Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2016,115 pages

By Weronika Grzebalska February 3, 2017

Poland Local differences & the importance of cohesion

Two Polish cities, Warsaw and Poznań, are studied in the article to examine how external structures are handled and used by squatters in these two settings. The aim is to analyze opportunity structures that condition the emergence and development of squatting and how squatters respond to and utilize these opportunities.

By Dominika V. Polanska and Grzegorz Piotrowski June 23, 2016

The Poland Affair

In Communist Poland, women had the right to abortion on request since 1956, while in Sweden, access to abortion was limited. The ”Polish solution” received ample attention in Swedish media. In the 2000’s, Polish abortion policies were once again referred to as a reason for changing the Swedish abortion law, but the situation was now a very different one.

By Lena Lennerhed April 9, 2016

Mass mobilization against the ban on abortion

Mass mobilization against the ban on abortion is just another example of a new wave of grassroots mobilization in citizens protesting against the changes introduced by the conservative populist Law and Justice in Poland. Polish society becomes extremely polarized but also much more engaged and politically active.

By Elzbieta Korolczuk April 5, 2016