
167 articles tagged with russia were found.

Muted histories and reunited memories a story of a Swedish family during the times of the Russian Revolution

Early this fall Irina Seits, Russian PhD candidate at CBEES, Södertörn University met with Gustaf Nobel, Ludvig’s great-grandson, in order to talk about the Russian period in the life of his prominent family.

By Irina Seits November 7, 2017

Serfdom in Russia 150 years later. Structures live on

Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie (NLO) [New Literary Observer] (2016) no. 5–6.

By Maxim Grigoriev June 19, 2017

Russian Literature since 1991. The past is part of the future

Russian Literature since 1991, Eds. Evgeny Dobrenko and Mark Lipovetsky, Cambridge University Press, 2015, 320 pages.

By Tora Lane June 19, 2017

An innovative guidebook to St. Petersburg. Breaking through the invisibility of Muslim history and culture

Renat Bekkin and Almira Tagirdz-hanova, Musulmanskii St. Peterburg.Istoricheskii putevoditel. [Muslim St. Petersburg: Historical Guidebook; The Life of Muslims in St. Petersburg and Its Suburbs] Renat Bekkin and Almira Tagirdzhanova. Moscow and St. Petersburg, 2016, 639 pages.

By Yulia Gradskova June 19, 2017

Fatherly emotions in Soviet Russia

New legislation at the end of the 1960s contained clearer procedural rules for marrying and divorcing and material regulations on support payments for children after divorce. Family values and domestic comfort increasingly occupied people’s minds from the 1960s onwards. This decade can be regarded as the point when, for the first time, public demands were made on men to be present in the family and more involved and engaged in their role as fathers.

Essay by Helene Carlbäck June 13, 2017

Theme: Perspectives and narratives of socialist realism Introduction. Ambiguities and dogmas of the real

This special theme focuses on the relation between realism and social or socialist realism from different angles and with examples from different countries. It consists of contributions from eight scholars who took part in the workshop: Sven-Olov Wallenstein, Karin Grelz, Aleksei Semenenko, Susanna Witt, Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback, Epp Lankots, and Charlotte Bydler and Dan Karlholm.

By Tora Lane February 7, 2017

Aleksanteri Annual Conference 2016 LIFE & DEATH IN RUSSIA

The Russian welfare state has undergone deep structural transformations during the last twenty-five years. The aim of the 16th Annual […]

By Helene Carlbäck February 3, 2017

drug control policies in Russia. Unhealthy, deviant, and criminal

Although agencies involved in drug control and regulation are important for the reproduction of differentiated practices of drug use, they formulate a rather homogeneous image of a drug user as an unhealthy deviant and criminal, and an unequivocal threat to society. In the process of policy realization, the most vulnerable groups of users become the main target of public intervention. As a result, stigmatization and violence against these groups becomes institutionalized and legitimized.

By Alexandra Dmitrieva and Zhanna Kravchenko January 30, 2017

Countering Kremlin`s disinformation in Baltic and Eastern Europe

Disinformation tools are not something unique or new and have been used long time ago. But now we are living in times when information became a weapon. Annexation of Crimea, war in Donbas and in Syria have shown a significant role of information.

By Maksym Kyiak December 21, 2016

Baltic Russians under pressures. A minority with split identities

Kalle Kniivilä, Sovjets barnbarn: Ryssarna i Baltikum. [The grandchildren of the Soviet Union: The Russians in the Baltic states] Atlas 2016. 320 pages

By Ingmar Oldberg October 25, 2016