
45 articles tagged with sweden were found.

Views of landscape Reflections on the governance of Scandinavian transhumance

The authors want to draw attention to the conceptual gaps concerning perspectives of landscapes between academia and government officials and the farmers using the summer farming landscape for food production (small-scale animal husbandry) in Sweden and Norway. They discuss the discrepancies in the views on how this landscape should be governed in order to maintain and enhance its value and potential.

By Håkan Tunón et al January 27, 2014

Conflict or convergence? Products of Origins An analysis of the Swedish case of Baltic Sea fish

Protected designation of origin (PDO) is a certification scheme that certifies products by their origin, and is one of several important tools to strengthen the competitiveness of rural areas, especially for small-scale food processing in rural and less-developed areas in Europe.

Essay by Madeleine Bonow January 27, 2014

Continuation war or war of revenge? Guilt and morality

+ Henrik Stenius, Mirja Österberg, and Johan Östling (eds.), Nordic Narratives of the Second World War: National Historiographies Revisited, Lund 2011: Nordic Academic Press, 173 pages

By Norbert Götz November 12, 2013

Union, federation, or “merely” European cooperation. Norden as a product of 1814

+ Jóhann Páll Árnason and Björn Wittrock (eds.), Nordic Paths to Modernity, New York: Berghahn Books 2012.

+ Bjørn Magnus Berge and Anders Björnsson (eds.), Skandinaviska vägval, [Scandinavian crossroads] Stockholm: Atlantis 2008.

+ Max Engman and Nils Erik Vilstrand (eds.), Maktens mosaik:, Enhet, särart och självbild i det svenska riket [The mosaic of power: Unity, peculiarity, and identity in the Swedish realm], Stockholm & Helsinki: Atlantis and the Swedish Literary Society in Finland 2008.

+ Rasmus Glenthøj, Skilsmissen: Dansk og norsk identitet før og efter 1814 [The divorce: Danish and Norwegian identity before and after 1814], Odense: University Press of Southern Denmark 2012.

+ Henrik Meinander, Finlands historia [The history of Finland] Stockholm: Atlantis 2006. Niels Kayser Nielsen, Bonde, stat og hjem: Nordisk demokrati og nationalisme — fra pietismen til 2. Verdenskrig [Farmer, state and home: Nordic democracy and nationalism, from pietism to the Second World War], Århus: Aarhus University Press 2009.

+ Gunnar Wetterberg, The United Nordic Federation, Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers 2010.

By Uffe Østergaard May 17, 2013

IKEA in German. Working with clichés

+ Jennie Mazur, Die “schwedische” Lösung: Eine kultursemiotisch orientierte Untersuchung der audiovisuellen Werbespots von IKEA in Deutschland, Würzburg, 2013, 293 pages

By Bernd Henningsen May 17, 2013

Way forward or new global solution? Report from the Stockholm Water Week

Stockholm – Ministers and high level government officials, scientists, chief economists, heads of UN bodies and participants from over 200 convening organizations and 100 nations met at the World Water Week in Stockholm in August 2012. They debated and showcased solutions to ensure that the planet’s limited water resources are efficiently used to meet the basic needs of growing populations.

By Oksana Udovyk September 10, 2012

Raoul Wallenberg: Myths and truths

A hundred years have passed and Raoul Wallenberg is currently the subject of much publicity.

By Hans Wolf June 28, 2012

Birth of the Russian Empire. Tenacious retreat of Sweden as a great power

Pavel Konovalchuk & Einar Lyth, Vägen till Poltava, Slaget vid Lesnaja 1708 [The road to Poltava: The battle of Lesnaya, 1708] Svenskt militärhistoriskt bibliotek Stockholm 2009, 249 pages + Vladimir A. Artamonov Poltavskoye srazhenie K 300 letiyu Poltavskoy pobedy [The engagement at Poltava: In commemoration of the tercentenary of the victory at Poltava] MPPA BIMPBA , Moscow 2009, 640 pages

+ Valery A. Moltusov Poltava 1709 — vändpunkten [Poltava, 1709: the turning point] Svenskt militärhistoriskt bibliotek, Stockholm 2010, 213 pages

+ Pavel A. Krotov, Bitva pri Poltave K 300-letnej godovsjtjinje [The Battle of Poltava: On the occasion of the 300th anniversary] Istoricheskaya Illyustratsiya, Saint Petersburg 2009, 397 pages

By Gunnar Åselius October 3, 2011

The Swedish General Election 2010. – The end of one-party domination

The outcome of the 2010 election Late Sunday evening on the 19th of September, it appeared as if the general […]

By Åsa Bengtsson October 5, 2010

Solidarity despite reservations

There was no doubt among Swedish diplomats and union leaders that they would support the independent trade union movement Solidarity that had suddenly appeared on the Polish stage. Still, they could not ignore the risk of renewed military intervention that would have had disastrous consequences for Poland and security in Europe. This essay presents how diplomats and union leaders acted and communicated to support the democratization of Poland.

By Klaus Misgeld & Karl Molin September 21, 2010