+ Ruth Hemstad. Fra Indian summer til nordisk vinter: Skandinavisk samarbeid, skandinavisme og unionsoppløsningen [From Indian Summer to Nordic Winter: Scandinavian Cooperation, Scandinavism, and the Dissolution of the Union] Dissertation. Oslo, Akademisk Publisering 2008. 653 pages.
Torbjörn Nilsson
February 18, 2010
+ Nils Erik Forsgård. September 1808. Helsinki, Söderströms 2008. 233 pages.
Martin Hårdstedt
February 17, 2010
The struggle for control among the Great Powers in the Nordic region during the 19th century focused on the dissolutions of unions and on nation-building. Russia and Napoleon were strong players. Sweden and Finland had a close relationship.
Essay by
Max Engman
February 9, 2010