Huntington’s theory is more relevant now than ever in Russian discourse. The background for this is the growing religious awareness among Muslims and the growth of Russian nationalism, which fills the void left after the collapse of communism; the strengthening of the Orthodox Church; and President Putin’s recent anti-West campaign.
Ingmar Oldberg
April 30, 2014
+ Lennart Samuelson (ed.) Bönder och bolsjeviker: Den ryska landsbygdens historia 1902—1939 [Peasants and Bolsheviks: The History of the Russian Countryside 1902—1939] The Economic Research Institute, Stockholm School of Economics (EFI) 2007. 271 pages.
Johan Eellend
February 19, 2010
+ Lennart Samuelson Tankograd. Den ryska hemmafrontens dolda historia 1917–1953 [Tankograd: The Secret History of the Russian Home Front, 1917–1953]. Stockholm: SNS Publisher 2007. 368 pp., illustrated.
Sune Jungar
February 16, 2010