
Cagla Demirel & Martin Englund

Cagla Demirel is PhD-Candidate in Political Science at BEEGS, the Baltic and East European Graduate School at Södertörn University.

Martin Englund is PhD-candidate in History at BEEGS, the Baltic and East European Graduate School at Södertörn University.

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Articles by Cagla Demirel & Martin Englund

  1. Legislating Memory: From Memory Laws to Transitional Justice

    Two panels on memory laws were arranged the same day as part of the annual series of on USSR 30 years after (1991-2021). The panel “Dealing with the totalitarian past: Laws on memory and legislation” took up how different countries have approached the Soviet past in legislation and by “memory laws”. The panel “Memory laws: an interregional perspective on commemoration and legislation” followed this theme up. An aspect discussed throughout the whole event was the Western vs. Eastern models of memory laws.

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