A multi-focused read. Borders, nationalism, and religious education
Jenny Berglund, Thomas Lundén, Peter Strandbrink, eds, Crossings and Crosses: Borders, Educations, and Religions in Northern Europe De Gruyter, Boston/Berlin: 2015, 241 pages.
A scholarly journal from the Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES) Södertörn University, Stockholm.
Articles written by
Jenny Berglund, Thomas Lundén, Peter Strandbrink, eds, Crossings and Crosses: Borders, Educations, and Religions in Northern Europe De Gruyter, Boston/Berlin: 2015, 241 pages.
Professor Adam Przeworski often asks the questions most of us are a little embarrassed to ask. We see democracy as the natural state of affairs. To Adam Przeworski, who came from New York to Uppsala in late September 2010 to receive this year’s Johan Skytte Prize in political science, no such truths are taken for granted.
Södertörn University held a conference on the legacies of 1989, “Recasting the Peaceful Revolution”. The predominating perspective during the entire conference: the fall of communism was the result of popular pressure and protest from below, not of great-power politics. Much was to be celebrated the automn of 2009.
Joachim Gauck was 50 years old when he first voted in a free, democratic election in the GDR. A conversation about power and powerlessness, culpability, and reconciliation. The opposite of Communism is individualism, he states.
The Polish sociologist Piotr Sztompka explains how he became fascinated by the laws and theories governing the behavior of individuals and the dynamics of society. Soon, his work on social existence, which examines the macro level, will be published.