Contributor archive

Articles written by MarieLouise Samuelsson

Ilija Batljan. Committed to Baltic Sea issues

Södertörn University, where Baltic Worlds is published, now has a chairman of the governing board, a Swedish former Social Democratic career politician, who grew up the Montenegro of Yugoslavia: Ilija Batljan. Here he is profiled in an interview

By MarieLouise Samuelsson June 14, 2012

Minorities. a Language without an Army

To be tolerated is to be disliked. Minorities are oppressed and persecuted to a degree that is difficult to absorb, says David Gaunt. Within the affected group, it takes several generations to dare to talk about genocide.

By MarieLouise Samuelsson March 24, 2010

Rhetoric constructs. Even Hell’s Angels and the Ku Klux Klan are part of Civil Society

The historian Marta Reuter conducts research on how concepts are created and filled with meaning. NGOs are thought to stand for democratic values, but the Hell’s Angels are also elements of civil society.

By MarieLouise Samuelsson February 19, 2010