Sigtuna stiftelsen’s rose garden. Photo: SigtunaStiftelsen
Conference reports CBEES Memory Summer School 2024
The CBEES Summer School 2024 “The Return of History: Memory, War and the End of the "Post” is a specialized course that delves into in-depth studies of central theories of cultural memory.
Published on balticworlds.com on September 10, 2024
The CBEES Summer School 2024 “The Return of History: Memory, War and the End of the ‘Post’” is a specialized course that delved into in-depth studies of central theories of cultural memory. It placed particular emphasis on the intricate relationship between cultural memory, politics, and history writing in Eastern Europe today (full programme see right corner as pdf).
For one week in August 2024 selected doctoral students from different disciplines and affiliated from various universities in the region gathered at the Sigtuna Foundation outside Stockholm (one of Dag Hammarskjöld’s favourite places) to develop critical thinking in the interdisciplinary field of Memory Studies.
The Sigtuna Foundation is built like a monastery, with rose gardens and herb beds, surrounded by tall pines and overlooking the calm waters of Mälaren: A good place for reflection, discussion and sharing of lessons and experiences.
Many of the students, as well as the lecturers, are in displacement. For a week they found a joint place, and now also share the memory of this summer course.
We are publishing selected final papers from CBEES Summer School here >>.