
Joakim Ekman

Full Professor in Political Science and a Project Researcher at CBEES, Södertörn University.

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Articles by Joakim Ekman

  1. Talking about the past and future of the Baltic states

    The theme of this year’s conference, the 13th Conference on Baltic Studies in Europe (CBSE) was “Baltic Solidarity” — and most appropriate, no one less than Lech Wałęsa was there to open the event.

  2. Berlin and Europe 1989 and now

    On May 13--14, 2019 the Körber History Forum took place, where some 200 experts on European history and politics had gathered in the capital of Germany to discuss current European affairs and global issues. In particular, the imminent threat of Russia and the historical roots of the return of “strong leaders” in European politics were in focus in this year’s debates.

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