Conference reports Roundtable. Academic journals Noticing the editors
At this year’s CBEES Annual Conference (November 28–29, 2024, at S.dertörn University), Ninna Mörner (Baltic Worlds) and Joakim Ekman (CBEES) organized a roundtable discussion on academic journals with a focus on the Baltic Sea region and Eastern Europe.
Published in the printed edition of Baltic Worlds BW 2024:4, page 112
Published on on December 8, 2024
At this year’s CBEES Annual Conference (November 28–29, 2024, at Södertörn University), Ninna Mörner (Baltic Worlds) and Joakim Ekman (CBEES) organized a roundtable discussion on academic journals with a focus on the Baltic Sea region and Eastern Europe. The panel included Matthew Kott, editor-in-chief for the Journal of Baltic Studies, Karsten Brüggeman, member of the editorial board of the Journal of East Central European Studies (Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung) as well as series editor of Forschungen zur baltischen Geschichte, Olivia Dejean, editor of the Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest, and Ninna Mörner, editor-in-chief for Baltic Worlds. Iwona Reichardt, deputy editor-in-chief for New Eastern Europe was supposed to have been part of the event, but had to cancel due really bad weather in Krak.w (cancelled flights). She was, as they say, with us in spirit.
THE EDITORS presented their respective journals and their public profiles, and touched upon a number of contemporary issues. Some of these related to recent challenges such as the Covid-19 pandemic, the Russian war on Ukraine, and the possible problems that comes with publishing articles written by scholars originally associated with universities in Russia or Belarus. Other issues were more general, and dealt with area specific journals, mixing scholarly articles with essays or non-academic texts, and problems related to AI-generated texts as part of submitted scientific manuscripts. ≈
The following journals were invited to the event:
Journal of Baltic Studies (JBS) is the official
journal of the Association for the Advancement
of Baltic Studies (AABS). It is a multidisciplinary
journal focusing on the political,
social, economic, and cultural life – both past
and present – of the Baltic states and the
Baltic Sea region.
Journal of East Central European Studies
(JECES), in German Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-
Forschung (ZfO), is published
by the Herder Institute, Marburg. The journal
publishes works both in German and English
on the history and culture of the countries in
East Central Europe.
Forschungen zur baltischen Geschichte
(FzbG) is a journal (in the form of a yearbook)
devoted to the history of the Baltic states,
edited by Mati Laur (Tartu University) and
Karsten Brüggemann (Tallinn University), in
close cooperation with colleagues from the
University of Latvia, Riga. The journal publishes
texts in German and English.
Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest
(RECEO) is published by the the Center
for Studies of the Russian, Caucasian and
Central European Worlds, at the Ecole des
Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris.
New Eastern Europe (NEE) is serious
news magazine dedicated to Central and
Eastern European affairs, published by the
Jan Nowak-Jezioranski College of Eastern
Europe in Wroclaw, a Polish-based NGO
think tank. The editorial offices are located in
Krakow, Poland.
Baltic Worlds (BW) is published by the Centre
for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES)
at S.dert.rn University, since 2008. The multidicisplinary
journal publishes articles, essays,
and other short pieces relating to the countries
of the Baltic Sea region, Central and Eastern
Europe, the Balkans, and the post-Soviet area.