
16 articles tagged with modernization were found.

The ability of the Old World to survive. European nobility on the threshold of modernity

András Vari, Herren und Landwirte: Ungarische Aristokraten und Agrarier auf dem Weg in die Moderne (1821—1910) Studien zur Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte Ostmitteleuropas 17, Wiesbaden: Harrowitz Verlag 2008, 273 pages

By Fredrik Eriksson October 3, 2011

Baltic Worlds Roundtable 2011 Market Reform and Socio-Economic Change in Russia

Baltic Worlds Roundtable illuminates the tremendous changes that Russian social and economic life has undergone due to the introduction of market economy after the fall of state socialism. The Rondtable takes place October 6, 2011.

By Ninna Mörner August 8, 2011

A European Russia or a Russian Europe

Is Russia part of Europe? Russians answer this question in different ways. For many of them, Russia is not Europe but Eurasia, which is an alternate unit of civilization. I do not share this opinion, writes Adam Michnik here.

By Adam Michnik May 13, 2011

Dissertation review. Language disputes and modernization.

+ Oddmund Løkensgard Hoel, Målreising og modernisering i Noreg 1885–1940, [The New Language Movement and Modernization in Norway 1885–1940], Trondheim: Noreg’s University of Science and Technology, NTNU, 2009, 589 pages

By Torbjörn Nilsson March 24, 2010

Sport. The return of enchantment to Western society

+ Rune Slagstad. (Sporten): En idéhistorisk studie [(Sport): A Study in the History of Ideas] Oslo: Pax Förlag 2008. 849 pages.

By Kristian Gerner February 18, 2010

Königsberg. The city that withstood destruction

+ Jürgen Manthey. Königsberg: Geschichte einer Weltbürgerrepublik. Munich/Vienna: Hanser 2005. 736 pages.

By Rebecka Lettevall February 18, 2010