Okategoriserade Markus Huss in Memory

With deep sadness, we have learnt of the sudden death of our colleague and friend Markus Huss. 2009, we all […]

Published on balticworlds.com on January 30, 2025

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With deep sadness, we have learnt of the sudden death of our colleague and friend Markus Huss. 2009, we all started our Ph.D. education at the Baltic and East European Graduate School at Södertörn University. We remember Markus as an empathetic, intelligent, and calming pole during our sometimes turbulent Ph.D. years, and he helped several of us due to his exceptional listening ability. Markus was simply one of those people you really wanted to meet in the corridor and hang out with. We remember his aura, his smile, his preference for “bryggkaffe” and sauna (he even supported the idea of organizing the annual CBEES Christmas party at the sauna!), his passion for everything related to Peter Weiss, the subject of his dissertation, and his wonderful PhD-party. He had book recommendations for every taste and for some of us he is associated with authors he suggested, W.G. Sebald is one of them. Markus’ cultivated charm was contagious, and his benevolent face even graced the cover of a thesis, thus immortalizing its radiance.

Markus’ study of the interaction between literary texts and sound was inspiring and suited well into our interdisciplinary team of doctoral students at BEEGS. We worked together to understand and make sense of the ferocious past of the region, and Markus showed us the role of literature to approach wounds from past violence haunting the present.

Did you know Markus could drive a lorry? Well, technically it perhaps was not a lorry, but a van huge enough to fit all the belongings of one of us and move them from a flat in Gärdet to an attic on Södermalm’s Mariaberget. Markus did reverse the lorry backwards, up the hill, and around a corner. He did take a beer afterwards, though.

Markus was the kind of person you could always turn to for help – and often, he would offer it before you even asked. When one of us got into a conflict-laden situation with her supervisor, Markus accompanied her throughout the difficult conversations to come being an invaluable support.  He was a steady, dependable friend who for some of us remained a cherished companion long after our PhD journey.

Dear Markus, we miss you and hope so much that you are enjoying the flow of sounds and noises out there, wherever you are now.

A loving last greeting from your PhD-group.