+ Peter Balogh, Perpetual Borders: German-Polish Cross-border Contacts in the Szczecin Area, Meddelanden från Kultur-geografiska institutionen vid Stockholms Universitet, [Reports of the Department of Human Geography, Stockholm University, Number 145] Stockholm: University of Stockholm Press, 2014, 204 pages.
James Wesley Scott
January 21, 2015
In 1996, a Special Economic Zone was created that made it favorable for both Russian and foreign companies to relocate production to Kaliningrad. Once the intentions were to make Kaliningrad known for more than just its military bases. But this is no longer the case. Kaliningrad, once again, is gliding away from being an economic zone to becoming a military zone.
Påhl Ruin
January 21, 2015
The first world conference on borders, under the title Post-Cold War Borders – Global Trends and Regional Responses was held in Joensuu, Finland and St. Petersburg, Russia and in the borderland in-between on June 9-13, 2014.
Thomas Lundén
August 4, 2014
The author shows how one small region, Stettin/Szczecin, because of its strategic place became involved in important events throughout history.
Thomas Lundén
February 4, 2014
Today, Pomerania is divided between Germany and Poland, but the German and Polish populations have few factors in common that might serve to unify them. Nevertheless, in some respects the region is gradually becoming more interwoven. To study the development of these cross-border flows, a series of interviews is being conducted as part of a on-going research project
Péter Balogh
September 21, 2010
Poles in Lithuania are a minority who want to strengthen their identity. They are now demanding to have their names spelled correctly in official records.
Arne Bengtsson
February 19, 2010
European Humanities University, EHU, is a Belarusian university in exile that educates Belarusians in an academic environment that encourages the development of independent views. Students run the risk of arrest and interrogation by the Belarusian police. Some can no longer return to Belarus during school breaks.
Peter Lodenius
February 19, 2010
+ Andreas Kossert. Kalte Heimat: Die Geschichte der deutschen Vertriebenen nach 1945. München: Siedler 2008. 427 pages.
+ Jan Musekamp. Zwischen Stettin und Szczecin: Metamorphosen einer Stadt zwischen 1945 und 2005. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde, vorgelegt an der Kulturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), 29. Januar 2008. 347 pages.
+ Bernd Aischmann. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, die Stadt Stettin ausgenommen: Eine zeitgeschichtliche Betrachtung Schwerin: Thomas Helms Verlag 2008. 228 pages.
+ Stig Dagerman. Tysk höst [German Autumn]. Stockholm: Norstedts 1947 167, [1] pages and later editions. Has been translated to other languages, among them German (Deutscher Herbst). Hans-Åke Persson. Retorik och realpolitik: Storbritannien och de fördrivna tyskarna efter andra världskriget [Rhetoric and Realpolitik: Great Britain and the Displaced Germans after World War II] Lund : Lund University. Press 1993 325, [2] pages. CESIC studies in international conflict. Dissertation. German translation: Hans-Åke Persson: Rhetorik und Realpolitik: Großbritannien, die Oder-Neiße-Grenze und die Vertreibung der Deutschen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Frankfurter Studien zur Grenzregion, Band 3. Potsdam: Verlag für Berlin-Brandenburg 1997. 215 pages.
Thomas Lundén
February 18, 2010