Okategoriserade Margareta Tillberg in memorial
Margareta Tillberg has died, at the age of 63 years. Margareta Tillberg had a great commitment to what she did, and she still would have had a lot to give of her knowledge.
Published on balticworlds.com on October 1, 2024
Margareta Tillberg has died, at the age of 63 years. Margareta was a member of Östsällskapet [the Eastern Society], with a special knowledge in Russian art from different periods, but she also wrote about other art spheres. Her doctoral dissertation in art history deals with the Russian avant-garde: Coloured Universe and the Russian Avant-Garde. M.V. Matiushin on Colour Vision in Stalin’s Russia 1932.
Margareta was versatile and creative in her writing, which extended beyond Russian art, from dance in New York and theater festivals in Moscow to the Stenberg brothers’ designs of mass parades in Red Square and Soviet industrial design, which she wrote about in both specialized cultural magazines and wider popular magazines.
Occasionally there is a connection between Russian art and Sweden, as in Paradisisk propaganda fungerar än. Några funderingar kring Stalinkonst i Sverige [Paradisical propaganda still works. Some thoughts on Stalin art in Sweden]. About the Swedish and the Russian she also writes in “But we refused to be scared into silence. Swedish designers’ Cold War visit to ICSID ’75 Moscow”, published in Baltic Worlds (2022:1-2, see here). The article about forty Swedish top designers’ trip to Moscow in 1975 reflects the complicated cultural exchange between East and West during the Cold War. The article is based, among other things, on interviews that Margareta did with several of the participants.
Margareta Tillberg had a great commitment to what she did, and she still would have had a lot to give of her knowledge.
Catja C Gaebel